Mary’s Yes: Lessons on Trusting God’s Plan When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn

Have you ever felt like God was asking you to step into something completely outside of your comfort zone? 

Maybe it was a career change, a move to a new city, or even a calling to serve in ministry. It’s not easy to trust God’s plan when it feels like life is heading in a direction you didn’t expect.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, faced one of the most unexpected turns imaginable. 

She was a young woman living an ordinary life when an angel appeared to her and delivered a life-changing message: she would conceive and give birth to the Son of God. 

Talk about an unexpected twist! Yet, Mary’s response to this news is one of the most remarkable displays of faith in the Bible. 

She simply said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38).

Let’s take a closer look at Mary’s “yes” and uncover the lessons her story offers for trusting God’s plan, especially when life doesn’t go as we planned.

(You can download a printable version of this page at the very end.)

image of woman depicting Mary holding baby Jesus

Trust God Even When You Don’t Have All the Answers

When Gabriel announced God’s plan, Mary had questions. “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34). 

Her question was honest and practical, yet she trusted God even without fully understanding how everything would unfold.

We often want all the details before we step forward in faith, but God doesn’t always work that way. 

Like Mary, we’re called to trust Him, knowing He sees the bigger picture even when we can’t.

God’s Plans Often Disrupt Our Own

Mary’s life was forever changed by her “yes” to God. Her engagement to Joseph, her reputation, and her future were all impacted by this unexpected news. 

Yet, she chose obedience over comfort.

Sometimes, God’s plans will disrupt our carefully crafted lives. When that happens, we can find peace in knowing that His ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). 

Trusting His plan means being willing to let go of our own.

Surround Yourself with Faithful Encouragement

After hearing Gabriel’s announcement, Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth’s joyful affirmation of Mary’s role in God’s plan must have been a source of comfort and encouragement (Luke 1:39-45).

When we’re stepping into something new or unexpected, surrounding ourselves with faithful, encouraging people can strengthen our trust in God. 

Seek out those who will pray with you, affirm God’s calling in your life, and remind you of His faithfulness.

Respond with Worship and Gratitude

Mary’s Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) is a beautiful expression of praise and gratitude to God. 

Instead of dwelling on the challenges she might face, she focused on God’s greatness and His faithfulness to His people.

When life takes an unexpected turn, choosing to worship shifts our perspective. It reminds us that God is in control and worthy of our trust, even in uncertain times.

Remember That God’s Plans Have a Purpose

Mary’s “yes” wasn’t just about her; it was about God’s greater plan to bring salvation to the world. 

Her willingness to trust and obey played a vital role in His redemptive work.

Similarly, God’s plans for our lives often have a purpose far greater than we can see. 

Our obedience can impact others in ways we may never fully understand.


Mary’s story reminds us that saying “yes” to God isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. 

Her faith, courage, and trust in God’s plan serve as an example for us to follow when life takes an unexpected turn.

So, the next time you feel God nudging you in a new direction, remember Mary’s response: “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” 

Trust Him, even when the path ahead looks uncertain. He’s faithful, and His plans are always for your good and His glory.

  1. What is God asking you to trust Him with right now?
  2. How do you typically respond when life takes an unexpected turn?
  3. Who in your life encourages you to trust God’s plans? How can you lean on them for support?
  4. In what ways can you shift your focus from fear to worship when facing uncertainty?
  5. How might your obedience to God’s plan impact others around you?

Don’t forget to download a printable version of this page for your study journal!

Be sure to read more about trusting God in the chaos of life.

Looking for some Bible study worksheets specifically for studying the Women of the Bible? Take a deeper dive into these amazing women with these simple study lessons.

Devotional Study Mary's Yes to God

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