Life is full of challenges, isn’t it?
Whether it’s a sudden health crisis, a financial struggle, relationship problems, or even the day-to-day battle to stay true to your faith in a world that often pulls you in the opposite direction, it can sometimes feel like you’re facing a giant that’s too big to overcome.
But here’s the good news, sister: you have a David inside of you, and with God’s help, you can conquer those giants.
(You can download a printable version of this devotional without ads/images at the very end.)

Remembering the Story of David and Goliath
Let’s take a moment to revisit the story of David and Goliath. It’s a story many of us know well, but it’s one that never loses its power.
David was just a young shepherd boy, the youngest of eight brothers, not exactly who you’d expect to step up and take on a giant.
Goliath, on the other hand, was a towering warrior, trained in battle and armed with weapons that could crush anyone who dared to face him.
Every day, Goliath taunted the Israelites, challenging them to send someone to fight him.
The entire Israelite army was terrified, not a single man was willing to go out and face this giant—until David.
David didn’t wear armor. He didn’t carry a sword.
All he had was a sling, five smooth stones, and an unshakeable faith in God.
David looked at Goliath and said, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty” (1 Samuel 17:45, NIV).
And with one stone, David brought down the giant.
It’s easy to hear this story and think, “That’s great for David, but my giant is different. My giant is too big.”
But the truth is, the same God who helped David overcome Goliath is with you today, ready to help you face your own giants.
Identifying Your Goliaths
Before you can defeat your Goliath, you need to identify it.
What is it that looms large in your life, casting a shadow over your peace, joy, and faith? Is it fear?
Doubt? Anxiety? Maybe it’s a toxic relationship, a persistent sin, or a deep-rooted insecurity.
Goliaths come in all shapes and sizes, and they often show up where we feel most vulnerable.
Take a moment to reflect on your life. What is it that’s causing you to feel small, powerless, or afraid?
Naming your giant is the first step to overcoming it.
When you identify your Goliath, you can begin to see how God might be calling you to face it, not in your strength, but in His.
Tapping into Your Inner David
David’s courage didn’t come from self-confidence; it came from God-confidence.
He knew who God was and trusted that God would give him the victory. This is the key to tapping into your own inner David.
- Trust in God’s Strength: David didn’t rely on his own abilities; he relied on God’s power. In the same way, you don’t have to face your giant on your own. God is with you, and He is more than capable of giving you the strength you need. Remember Philippians 4:13: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength” (NIV). God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness.
- Remember Past Victories: Before David faced Goliath, he remembered how God had helped him in the past, when he fought off lions and bears as a shepherd. Reflect on the times God has come through for you before. Let those memories fuel your faith as you face your current giant.
- Speak Life: David spoke boldly to Goliath, declaring victory before the battle even began. What you say matters. Speak God’s promises over your situation. Declare His victory over your giant. Words have power, and when you align your words with God’s truth, you set the stage for victory.
- Step Out in Faith: David didn’t wait for someone else to fight his battle; he stepped out in faith, even when it seemed impossible. Sometimes, we need to take that first step, even if it’s scary. God often meets us in our movement, blessing our steps of faith with His presence and power.
Facing the Giant
When you face your Goliath, it’s important to remember that the battle belongs to the Lord.
David didn’t win because he was strong or skilled; he won because he trusted God. Whatever your giant is, you can trust God to fight for you.
Facing Your Giants
Here are some practical steps to help you face your giant:
- Pray Boldly: Bring your giant before God in prayer. Ask Him for wisdom, strength, and courage. Be honest about your fears and weaknesses, and ask God to fill you with His Spirit.
- Arm Yourself with Scripture: Just as David used a stone, use Scripture as your weapon. Find verses that speak to your situation and memorize them, meditate on them, and declare them over your life. The Word of God is powerful and can tear down strongholds.
- Surround Yourself with Support: You don’t have to face your giant alone. Lean on your Christian sisters for support, encouragement, and prayer. There is strength in community, and God often uses others to help us stand strong in the battle.
- Worship Through the Battle: Worship shifts your focus from the size of your giant to the greatness of your God. Make worship a part of your battle strategy. Sing praises to God, even in the midst of your struggle. Worship is a weapon that can bring down walls and break chains.
- Keep Your Eyes on Jesus: Goliath may be big, but God is bigger. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author, and finisher of your faith. He has already overcome the world, and in Him, you are more than a conqueror.
Embracing the Victory
When David defeated Goliath, it wasn’t just a victory for him; it was a victory for all of Israel.
In the same way, when you overcome your giants, it’s not just for you—it’s for those around you too. Your victory can inspire others, strengthen their faith, and bring glory to God.
Don’t be surprised if, after one giant falls, another one rises.
Life is a series of battles, but each victory strengthens you for the next one. And each time you step out in faith, you grow stronger in your trust in God.
Remember, the same God who was with David is with you. You have a David inside of you—a heart of courage, a spirit of faith, and a God who fights for you.
Whatever Goliath you’re facing today, know that you are not alone. With God’s help, you can overcome.
So, stand tall, pick up your stone, and face your giant. The victory is already yours in Christ.
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The story of David and Goliath isn’t just a tale from the past; it’s a powerful reminder for us today.
No matter what you’re facing, no matter how big your giant may seem, you have the same God on your side who gave David the victory.
Tap into the David inside of you by trusting in God’s strength, remembering His faithfulness, speaking life, and stepping out in faith. With God’s help, you can overcome any giant.
So, what’s your Goliath? Identify it, confront it, and watch as God brings it down.
The battle belongs to the Lord, and in Him, you already have the victory.
Let’s embrace the David inside of us and face our giants with courage and faith. God is with you, sister, and with Him, all things are possible.
- What “Goliath” are you currently facing in your life, and how can you apply the story of David to approach this challenge with faith and courage?
- Reflect on a time when you felt powerless against a struggle. How did you see God’s strength at work in that situation, and what can you learn from it as you face new challenges?
- In what areas of your life do you need to trust more in God’s power rather than your own abilities? How can you actively shift your focus to rely on His strength this week?
Be sure to download a printable version of this devotional along with the reflection questions to keep handy in your study binder.