Walking in Love: What Does It Mean to Imitate Christ?

Have you ever watched someone you admire and thought, I want to be like them

Maybe it’s a parent, a mentor, or even a close friend who inspires you with their kindness, patience, or strength. 

As Christians, we have the ultimate example to follow: Jesus Christ. 

In Ephesians 5:1-2, Paul encourages us to “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

But what does it mean to “walk in love” and imitate Christ in our daily lives? Let’s explore what this call to action means and how we can live it out, step by step.

When we think of walking in love, it’s not about trying to “earn” God’s approval or striving for perfection. It’s about responding to the incredible love God has already shown us. 

As we walk in love, we reflect His grace and point others toward Him, showing the world that His love is real, powerful, and transformational.

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Christ’s Love as Our Model

When Paul talks about walking in love, he points directly to Jesus as our example. Jesus’ love wasn’t just words or feelings—it was action. 

He healed the sick, forgave sinners, served others, and ultimately laid down His life for us. His love was selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional.

Walking in love means following this example in how we treat others. 

It’s not always easy—after all, Jesus loved people who betrayed Him, doubted Him, and even nailed Him to a cross. But His love wasn’t dependent on how people treated Him. 

It was rooted in His relationship with the Father and His mission to glorify God. 

That’s our model: loving others not because they deserve it, but because God first loved us.

This kind of love takes practice. It requires us to step outside of our comfort zones and choose to see people through God’s eyes. 

When we begin to love as Christ does, our actions and attitudes start to reflect His heart, making His presence known to those around us.

What Does Walking in Love Look Like?

Walking in love isn’t just a big, dramatic gesture—it’s about the small, everyday choices we make. 

Here are a few ways we can imitate Christ’s love:

  1. Be Kind and Patient: Love is patient and kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). Whether it’s waiting in a long line or dealing with a difficult coworker, walking in love means choosing kindness over frustration.
  2. Forgive Freely: Jesus forgave us even when we didn’t deserve it. Walking in love means extending that same forgiveness to others, letting go of grudges, and choosing reconciliation.
  3. Serve Others: Just like Jesus washed His disciples’ feet, we can show love through acts of service—helping a neighbor, volunteering, or simply being there for a friend in need.
  4. Speak with Love: Words have power. Walking in love means using our words to encourage, uplift, and build others up, even when it’s tempting to be critical or sarcastic.
  5. Prioritize Sacrifice: Love often means putting others before ourselves. It might be sacrificing your time to help someone or letting go of your preferences to maintain peace in a relationship.

These everyday acts of love, no matter how small, add up over time. They create a ripple effect, showing the people around us what God’s love looks like in action

It’s often through the simplest gestures that we reflect Christ the most.

Looking for some additional resources for studying the Bible? Here is an extensive library of (free) monthly topical Bible reading plans.

Why Walking in Love Matters

When we walk in love, we’re not just imitating Christ—we’re also reflecting Him to the world. 

Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 

Our love for others is one of the clearest ways we can show people who Jesus is.

Walking in love also strengthens our relationship with God. As we seek to imitate Christ, we grow closer to Him and better understand His heart. 

It’s like walking alongside someone—step by step, you get to know them more deeply.

Walking in love also transforms how we experience life. It shifts our focus from ourselves to others, bringing joy and meaning to our actions. 

When we choose love, we invite God into our everyday moments, and He uses those moments to make an eternal impact.

love in action bible reading plan mockup
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Practical Steps to Walk in Love

If you’re wondering how to start walking in love, here are some simple, practical steps you can take today:

  1. Spend Time with God: The more time you spend in prayer and reading Scripture, the more you’ll understand Christ’s love and how to reflect it.
  2. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s Help: Loving like Jesus isn’t something we can do on our own. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words, and actions.
  3. Look for Opportunities to Love: Whether it’s a kind word, a helping hand, or a listening ear, love is all about action. Be intentional about showing love in your daily interactions.
  4. Forgive Someone: Is there someone you need to forgive? Take the first step today, even if it’s just praying for the strength to let go.
  5. Reflect on Jesus’ Love: Spend time meditating on what Jesus did for you on the cross. Let that truth inspire and motivate you to love others in the same way.

Don’t feel like you have to get it all right at once. Walking in love is a journey, and each small step matters. 

Over time, these daily acts of love will strengthen your faith and help you become more like Jesus.

How to Walk in Love - Ephesians 5 infographic


Imitating Christ isn’t about being perfect—it’s about taking one step at a time in His direction. 

Walking in love means living in a way that reflects His heart to the world. It’s choosing kindness over anger, service over selfishness, and forgiveness over bitterness. 

It’s a daily journey, but one that’s filled with joy, purpose, and the assurance that God’s love is always with you.

So, what’s your next step in walking in love? Maybe it’s reaching out to someone you’ve struggled to forgive, volunteering in your community, or simply pausing to pray for patience in a difficult moment.

 Whatever it is, take that step today and trust that God will guide you.

  1. What does it mean to you personally to walk in love as Christ did? In what areas of your life can you better reflect His love to others?
  2. Are there any relationships in your life where choosing forgiveness, kindness, or humility could help you better imitate Christ’s love? What step can you take today?
  3. How can spending time with God and reflecting on Jesus’ love inspire and equip you to show love in your daily actions and interactions?

As you walk in love, remember that it’s not just about what you do but about who you’re becoming. 

Each step brings you closer to the heart of Jesus and makes His love visible to the world around you. Let’s walk this journey together!

How do you plan to walk in love this week? 

Be sure to download a printable version of this page to keep in your study journal!

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