“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends,” (John 15:13 ESV)
Discontentment. Doubts. Disappointments. Bitterness. Pride. Fear. Misconceptions. Half-truths… These are just some of the ways Satan wiggles his way into our thoughts trying to get a foothold.
Satan would love to run rampant in our lives and far too often we let him, or at least I do. I let the schemes of Satan take root and fester. I might assume the worst about someone or something and let it stir up bitterness in my heart. Sometimes I over-react because my pride gets hurt. Other times it’s much subtler. Like Eve in the garden, I exaggerate the truth and am caught in a lie.
Over exaggerations are so easy for Satan to use against us. We know they aren’t true, even if they were rooted in it to start with. Satan focuses on the un-truth and causes us to doubt the whole. Or he homes in on our failures. He distracts us from our worth in Christ by nagging on our shortcomings; by making us feel like we are less than those around us. Worthless and unworthy.
Other times he lures us into a feeling of false security. He tricks us into thinking we’re doing okay. We don’t need to invest in our marriage because it’s solid. We don’t have to repent, because we’re good. It’s okay if we drop out of Bible study, because we attend Sunday school. We shouldn’t sweat that sin because it’s not as bad as it could have been.
But God… I love those two little words. Regardless of what Satan has up his sleeve, we can be sure of Jesus. God never changes, His promises are eternal, and His love is unconditional.
When Satan gets a foothold, we can regain our footing at the foot of the cross. Even when we fall for Satan’s schemes, the blood of Christ has us covered. That’s the beauty of the gospel.
Jesus didn’t just come and die to forgive us once, then expect us to have our act together. He knew, as long as we live on Earth, we will stumble. We will fall for Satan’s schemes… for his lies. Our lack of strength—lack of faith—doesn’t surprise Jesus. He knew before we were born that we would need His loving-sacrifice every second of every day. That’s why He came.
Jesus wants us to trust Him no matter what, yet He doesn’t condemn us when we falter. When we start to believe Satan’s lies, Jesus patiently waits for us to turn back to Him. To bring our fears and failures to Him because He already knows and is ready to be our firm foundation—our shoulder to cry on and strength when we are weak. He knows we will never be perfect, and He loves us anyway.
That’s who Jesus is. He is a father to the fatherless. Friend of sinners. Hope for the hurting. Jesus is the One who loves us so much that He gave up His life for us.
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends,” (John 15:13 ESV)– that’s our Jesus. It’s also what Satan wants us to forget or doubt above all else.
Keeping our eyes on Jesus, remembering what He has done for us… that’s one of the most powerful ways we can stand against Satan.
So wherever today finds you, I pray your feet are firmly planted at the foot of the cross. If you start to lose your footing, take heart in the fact that the rock of our salvation is secure. Jesus is always there, steady and sure.
Father God, thank You for Your unconditional love for me. For being a constant in my life. When the rest of the world seems to be spinning out of control, I know You are steady and sure. Please help me to keep my feet firmly planted at the foot of the cross. I know Jesus died on the cross, but then He rose again and. He died to give me eternal life. He died so our sins—past, present, and future—could be forgiven. Help me to remember that truth as I go about my day. When Satan starts to whisper his lies, remind me that I am covered in the blood of Jesus and nothing Satan—or anyone else—says or does can change that. Remind me I can stand tall, forgiven and free, because You were willing to die to pay the price for my sins. Thank You for your everlasting love. Amen
A Prayer for Standing Firm at the Foot of the Cross Printable: https://candidlychristian.com/at-the-foot-of-the-cross-prayer-printable
Read more about Jesus and the Resurrection:
- What Does it Mean to Be Covered by the Blood
- He is Risen! 17 Verses About the Resurrection of Christ
- 2 Important Ways the Resurrection is Our Hope
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Heather (Books, Faith, and Coffee) is an award-winning author with an unquenchable passion for Jesus. Her hope is that, through her writing, she can help others soak up the love of Jesus.