When Jesus had said these things, He became troubled in spirit, and testified and said, “Truly, truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me.” – John 13:21 NASB
The unfortunate thing about betrayal is that it is commonly inflicted by the people we are the closest to.
My husband and I attended our small little church for over 10 years. Everyone in the congregation was very close. Like family.
Then it all happened. I won’t get into all the details. I had made some hard decisions that a few didn’t agree with. It seemed as though some began questioning my motives and character.
“Don’t they know me better than that?”, was the question that haunted me for many days.
In hinds sight, I don’t believe they meant to hurt me. But, at that moment – I felt betrayed.
Forgiving others had come fairly easy for me up to this point.
I struggled with this one. It took many days of wrestling in prayer and arguing with myself as to why I had every right to be angry.
God’s gentle hand softened my heart and brought me to a place where I was able to receive the grace and strength to forgive and to continue to love.
The Bible is filled with many stories of this kind of struggle.
Joseph was a man acquainted with betrayal. His story tells us that he was sold into slavery by his own brothers. However, after many painful, yet divinely orchestrated events, God places him in a position that ultimately saves his family from famine.
Then, there’s history’s greatest betrayal.
Jesus had chosen His twelve. These men were those with whom he walked the closest during His ministry on earth. They were his companions and friends. He has spent many days with them revealing the truth about the Father and about His own relationship to the Father.
It was before this group of men that Jesus declared, “Truly, truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me.” – John 13:21
Judas’ betrayal of Jesus initiated a stream of events that led to His crucifixion.
Maybe you have experienced, or are currently experiencing, the pain of betrayal. From a friend, a family member, or even your spouse. My goal is not to minimize, in any way, the sorrow and grief this has caused you. However, if I may, I hope to encourage you to consider how the Lord may want to use this pain for good.
The betrayal I felt from my church family ultimately encouraged me to discover how to forgive others in a new and deeper way.
Joseph’s betrayal from his brothers not only led to the preservation of his immediate family but also the preservation of Christ’s lineage. Christ came from the descendants of Judah, Joseph’s brother.
If Judas had not betrayed Jesus that night, you and I would both still be dead in our sins. This betrayal ultimately led to our salvation.
There is a popular saying that I love.
“God doesn’t waste your pain.”
It’s true. As His children, we can be confident that God will use the pain and trials we face in this life, including the pain of betrayal, for good in our lives, and for the glory of His name.
Years after his betrayal, Joseph told his brothers, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result…” – Genesis 50:20 NASB
Let’s Pray Together:
Lord, I am so thankful that you do not waste my pain. In the moments that I feel hurt and betrayed, would you please remind me of these words that Joseph spoke to his brothers? Help me to trust that You can take all the hurt pain caused by the people I love, and use it for good in my life and for your glory.
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Megan from Megan Allen Ministries provides tips and resources to better equip you to dig deep into God’s truth, as well as encouragement and tools to cultivate a powerful and strategic prayer life.