Bloom Where You Are Planted

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11 NIV

Why am I still here?

I complained again to myself as I watched yet another family move in across the hall. At this point, my family and I had been living in a small space condo for 2 years. It was supposed to be temporary and I believed it. Yet, here we still were, and I really missed having my own private home and backyard.

At the beginning of winter in 2018, we had moved several states from the north to the south to be closer to family. It was a huge sacrifice; we had to get rid of most of our belongings. However, knowing that we would now have the ability to quickly save up for a dream home on several acres of land kept us moving forward without much thought.

asian woman walking in a flower garden

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Yet, now, our simple and quiet condo life had changed dramatically thanks to Covid. The quiet golfing resort we lived in, only busy for less than 2 seasons a year, now became a long-term rental facility with transient families. The beautiful pool in our panoramic view – that we almost had to ourselves – was now occupied with a ton of people we didn’t know.

As we began to see more and more activity with new neighbors, I started to become more discontent with my life. 

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I would walk around hardly talking to anyone. I figured, why bother,  I wasn’t going to be here much longer anyway, right? I’d never see any of these people again. They were infringing on my territory. This was my space. The occasional wave was all I could muster as I passed by a new neighbor down the hall or in another building. I justified my lack of care for others with a bad attitude. 

Then, as I began my journey to draw closer to God, He revealed to me His plan. You could call it, “Bloom where you are planted”. I realized that He had a purpose for me living in a small condo community and I was refusing to execute His plan!

Philippians 4.11 on a picture of a purple flower coming out of a crack in the sidewalk

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11

I finally woke up and STOPPED feeling sorry for myself. I STOPPED being a victim of my circumstances. Instead, I made an intentional decision that if I was going to get “stuck” in a small space, I was going to do the job God called me to do and that is — to spread the good news.

So, I started lifting up my head and smiling back at others as they passed by. I started making conversations and asking them where they were from. I began to offer them help when they needed something and even baked dessert for an older couple across the hallway (FYI – I hate making dessert!) I even asked a next-door neighbor to come to church with us and he actually took me up on the offer! Then, I asked another neighbor to attend a Bible Study and she quickly obliged! Wow, it was so easy!

The field was ripe for the picking, but the sower was too blind to see all of the ripe fruit! 

I get it now, Lord, you aren’t done with me yet in this small condo. My purpose is to stay right here where I’m planted. And, now that prices for land and existing houses are sky high, we have decided that it’s not our time to move. Am I sad about it? No, I’m actually ok with it. Sure, I think about moving and wonder when it is our time, but I know that I’m right where I should be. If He wants me to move now, regardless of the narrow real estate market, He will make it happen. 

It’s His time, not mine.


What’s holding you back from blooming where you are planted? Write down your discontentment and give it to the Lord. He will take care of it for you.

If you are not happy with your situation and find yourself complaining like me, ask God to reveal His plan for you. We must be content with where God has planted us, otherwise, we’re just a fake plant collecting dust. Useless. Don’t be a fake plant, be a fruitful one. 


Dear Lord, please help us to be content with our situation, regardless of how dire it seems. Help us to see our calling from you. You have called us to plant your seeds, and you will cultivate the field. Thank you for being so faithful, Lord!

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