Happy Birthday, Kingdom Bloggers!!

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Happy Birthday to Us! Kingdom Bloggers turns 2 years old this week!

What an AMAZING 2 years it has been for us!

The whole concept of KB started in a life group from my church almost 3 years ago. It took me a several months to get things lined up and find a great team of Christian women to help me build this community.

And as of today, Kingdom Bloggers (the website) is currently reaching approximately 65 THOUSAND individual users and 75 THOUSAND sessions each month (and growing!)!

On the map below, if it is BLUE – people from that country are being impacted by Kingdom Bloggers (the website)!

map of the world

But this celebration is MORE than just celebrating the wins of the KB website!

Kingdom Bloggers isn’t just about my site – but about the collaborative efforts of the entire Kingdom Bloggers COMMUNITY!

Whether it be for people looking for

  • Bible Study content
  • Bible journaling
  • Christian parenting
  • Christian living

…. the Kingdom Bloggers COMMUNITY is literally reaching more and more people across the globe!

This community is comprised of some amazing Christian bloggers (and obedient women of faith) who have one mission – To get more Jesus on the Internet! More specifically – to get more Jesus (their faith-filled blog content) to the first page of search results – because that is how we get more Jesus to the people who need it most!

The truth is that blogging takes a LOT of work! It takes PLANNING and intentional execution – and disciplining yourself to stay focused on the prize (getting more Jesus in front of people online) and avoiding the MANY distractions that seem to get us off task!

I am just so humbled and blessed to be working alongside these amazing women – whom I call TEAM KB!

We have so much more in store for 2021 and can’t wait to see how GOD moves through us as digital disciples!

Below are links to their sites along with a short testimony of how their ministries are growing, how their reach is growing, and how they are also beginning to reap the rewards of their obedience as digital disciples!

Heather from Lessons From Home

“I started Lessons from Home in November of 2017. I had no idea what I was doing! I took the Kingdom Bloggers Boot Camp in the spring of 2019. At the time I was averaging 1000 sessions a month with only a couple from organic traffic and 35 subscribers. In November 2020, my sessions hit 28,000 with 20,000 being organic search traffic and my subscriber list is at 290 (hoping to hit 300 before the end of the year!). This past year I began creating and selling my own products and working on affiliate marketing. My goal was to pay for my blogging expenses and I have met that goal! I am looking forward to next year and all that God has in store!”

Rachael from Healing Home


“I have been blogging since the summer of 2018. I started Kingdom Blogger in January of 2020. My total sessions were at 565 with organic traffic at 98. I will be closing the month of November with over 8,500 sessions and almost 1,900 of those being organic traffic. I started Kingdom Bloggers with virtually no subscriber list and Healing Home now has almost 300 faithful newsletter subscribers. I am proud to say that almost all my blogging expenses are covered by the income I make from Etsy, Healing Home shop sales, affiliate income, and my online coaching program. 2021 will be a GREAT year!”

AnnMarie from Busy Blessed Women

 “I started Busy Blessed Women in September 2017. I began with zero knowledge or website building skills. After struggling for 18 months, God led me to Kingdom Bloggers Boot Camp. At that time, my organic traffic was about 80 sessions/month and I had 20 subscribers to my blog. After working through the program and updating/writing new posts that are SEO optimized, I have now reached a new monthly record in November of over 7600 organic sessions and my email subscribers are now at 110 and growing weekly.”

Barbara from Divine Creative Love

I’ve been blogging at Divine Creative Love since 2015. I did the KB Boot Camp between Jan-March 2020. In January 2020, my total traffic was 624, with only 80 of that being organic search traffic. As of October 2020, my total traffic was 2,164, and 1,430 of that was from organic search! Since January, my email subscriber list has grown from 147 to 258 currently. My Etsy sales are on track to increase about 10% over last year, and my Amazon affiliate sales so far have increased from only $1/month to about $15/month (so, 1500% growth!). I’ve also started to see affiliate sales coming in from other stores as well. 2020 has been amazing, and I anticipate 2021 being even more so!”

picture of woman Christina Dronen Finally Family Homes

Christina from Finally Family Homes

“I started the blog for Finally Family Homes (a charity caring for youth who leave foster care without family & struggle with homelessness) in 2019. I started the Kingdom Bloggers Boot Camp in September of 2019. Back then, we were averaging 2,000 sessions per month with 93 sessions from organic traffic and we had 87 subscribers. In November 2020, I hit 19,347 sessions with 11,427 being organic search traffic and our subscriber list is at 239. I also took KB’s affiliate marketing course and went from 50 cents per month to $25/month and growing within weeks of changing just one post. In addition, we just created our first product this month! So grateful to be able to support our charity in this way. I started the blog for Gentle Christian Parenting in 2017. Back then I was getting 143 sessions per month with 3 sessions from organic traffic and we had 35 subscribers. In November 2020, our sessions hit 2,104 with 1,593 being organic search traffic and our subscriber list is at 128.

Aryn from Aryn the Libraryan

“I started my Christian book blog, Aryn The Libraryan, in the spring of 2017 and I was so excited to have 200 pageviews in the fall of that year (0 organic). I discovered LeeAnn’s courses sometime in 2018 before she started Kingdom Bloggers Academy. In all of 2019, I had just over 13k pageviews, (3.5k were organic). Here in 2020, November traffic alone has better than all of 2019! For the entire year, I’m at 75k pageviews, with close to 50k being organic traffic.”

I made the bold leap: I left my career for my dream job to be a writer and social media marketer. That dream lasted for one day, and then the job fell through. I was left with nothing but my blog and no choice but to pour my heart and soul into it and make it be my full-time job. Once I joined KB, I was able to create a new website and create a whole business from it. I now work for myself making more than I made at my last job. I’m in the #1 position on Google for my type of business in multiple keywords and get 3-5 potential clients funneled to me per week simply from SEO. This means I spend $0 on ad spend for my business.” 

Cheyenne from Rosevine Cottage Girls

“I started my Christian blog at 16 in January of 2013 armed with prayer and absolutely no idea what I was doing. I took the Kingdom Bloggers Boot Camp in the spring of 2019 after switching platforms and starting from scratch. This year we hit 94,000 sessions 25,349 organically and our subscriber list just hit 586. This year I launched 5 books and the income I’ve made through the launch of my own products, shop, and affiliate income is well on its way to covering my blogging expenses. I am looking forward to all of the amazing things God has in store for my ministry through the coming year.”

woman sitting out in nature

Ashley from Undoubted Grace

“When 2020 started, I was on the verge of quitting blogging. I didn’t feel like I was reaching anyone other than a few friends and my family. I had a grand total of 30 subscribers and 4 of them were my own emails. Right around this time I joined the Kingdom Bloggers Facebook group and won a site audit. The audit was both humbling (I found out I had a grand total of 2 organic visitors a month) and encouraging (I was given a roadmap to success in blogging). Now, only 8 months after fully implementing the SEO principles taught in KB, my blog traffic has steadily grown and this month I have over 4400 Sessions and 75% of that is organic traffic!”

“I’ve had to step away since I had to finish school but in 2021 def coming back to continue what I started: My audience was finally being reached after 5 years of seeing no growth and almost giving up. I talk about sexual purity and my audience is teenagers and young adults sometimes even their parents/caregivers. From the work I put in with researching my audience and focusing on SEO, I know my stats at the beginning was like 0-3 visits to over 8,000 visits, I was getting no subscribers to over 6 subscribers a week! This was only from revamping 3 posts!! I’m ready to continue working on my blog now that my Master’s degree is finishing and I can’t wait to see what other growth will come from it.”

“I started blogging in late 2015. After 4 years, my traffic was an average of 4K page views per month. In 2019, I switched to WordPress, and then my traffic dropped to zero. I used the strategies I learned in the Kingdom Bloggers membership and my traffic steadily increased. My page views are now at 7.5K which is more than it has ever been.”

This is just a taste of the amazing work our ministry is doing and will continue to do in 2021! I truly can’t wait to see where God takes us and how our combined ministries will help grow the Kingdom of God around the planet!

If you have aspirations of sharing God’s Glory across the Internet and aren’t exactly sure how to get started, here are some resources to get you on the right track:

God Bless!!

Sharing is caring!

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