When You Have a Bad Day, Say Jesus!

Just Say Jesus written on a black background in a marble backdrop

“If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?” Matthew 6:30 NIV

Wow, we both must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today, I thought as my 5-year-old came into my room, attitude on level 10.

You see, I forgot to lay out her outfit the night before which apparently equals a total meltdown. And it just snowballed from there. The morning was filled with tears, more tantrums, and running late to preschool.

Why, Lord? Why does every morning seem to be like this?

Yes, it seems like a very minor situation, and it is compared to some struggles others are dealing with. But God’s Words remain the same.

My response in that situation was from someone of “little faith.” I wasn’t trusting in His goodness, and in the fact that He’s got this.

Parenting is a beautiful blessing from the Lord, and something that brings me so much joy. Being able to care for and raise up a child of God is one of the highest honors. 

But it can be TOUGH. And I don’t always respond as Jesus would.

I get so focused on reacting instead of responding in a gentle, biblical manner. Which really equals out to me telling God that I can do it on my own. I know best and I am acting out on my own devices.

When in reality, God’s got it. My parenting isn’t mine at all, but an overflow of what my heart shows.

Something I heard a while ago that really stuck with me was that God may not always change our circumstances, but our mindset about those circumstances.

So the next morning, when I decided to start my day in quiet time with the Lord, and carefully and prayerfully respond to my child in love, did the circumstances always change?

Not necessarily. But my mindset and attitude did, and over time hers did as well. She could see God’s love in me, not my own sin, and God helped me react in a way that guided her closer to His image.

Matthew 6 20 on a marble background

Will we be perfect at this? Of course not! But we know the one who has got this and desires for us to trust in Him, turn to Him, and release it all to Him.

Do you trust that Jesus has you? That you are engraved in His hand and He cares for you. He sees the whole picture, which doesn’t always make sense to us. 

And that’s okay! We aren’t meant to fully understand, because if we did, then there would be no reason to trust right?

When you seem to be dealing with a negative mindset or unfortunate circumstance – job loss, grieving, wayward child – whatever it may be, simply whisper these words to yourself. 

God has got this.

Just putting that one important thought in your brain will help transform your mind. Again, does that mean your circumstance will magically change?

  • No, but you can trust in the one who is GOOD! Just say, Jesus.
  • In times when things seem hazy and don’t make sense. Say Jesus.
  • In times of doubt, grief, struggle, or sorrow. Say Jesus.

Repeating to yourself that Jesus has got this on bad days is a huge start. But what are some other practical things you can do? I am glad you asked!

  • Read God’s Word every day. His Word is life-giving and has the power to transform our minds.
  • Pray consistently. Stay in tune with the Holy Spirit and God tells us that He will remind os us of these things (John 14:26).
  • Think of things to be thankful for each day. When you are thinking about things to be thankful for, you’ll find out just how much we do have to be thankful for, even on bad days.

Also, putting in a place a good God-focused morning routine can really shape your mind for whatever the day holds! 

Talk to God in Prayer!

Always come before the Lord in prayer. He wants to hear from you, converse with you and fill you. On your good days AND bad days. Let this prayer encourage you today, and every day, that Jesus has GOT this!

Feel free to personalize it to fit your specific need and situation.

Father God, thank you for this day you have given us. I thank you so much for your Word and the comfort and guidance it gives me. Please help remind me that just as you take care of the grass in the fields and the birds in the sky, so you will take care of me. On my bad days and good days help me to remember to spend time with you and praise your holy name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Mindy blogs over at Mindy Jones Blog where she writes about Christian motherhood, encouraging moms to raise godly kids with practical tips, resources, and authenticity.

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