With everything being said to teens that are mostly negative, it can be difficult finding encouraging words for a teenage girl. Being a teenage girl is one of the hardest stages of life for a woman. It’s no wonder why so many are losing their lives and dealing with so much at such a young age.
There may be a teenage girl still inside of you waiting to be encouraged.
God gifted me with the ability to remember what it was like being 17 even now as an adult. It was the year I got pregnant, the year I got married, and the year I was in an abusive relationship.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
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Encouraging Words for a Teenage Girl
It is vital how you think and speak about yourself. These encouraging words for a teenage girl are the words I would’ve told myself. It’s me going back in time and speaking to that girl who was so lost without anyone to guide her.
You will also find scriptures. These are not just simple encouraging words for a teenage girl but words that have been spoken long before and long after we step foot on this earth. They are words of eternal value. When you read the scriptures, let it be a washing over yourself removing all the lies that have been spoken over you.
I pray this will be the beginning of the rest of your life or the confirmation of it. If you stumble, return to the truth and allow the Word of God to lead you back.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
Replace “You” with your personal name in it. Speak these words over yourself as you sit next to your 17-year-old self and say these things to her.
Words of Wisdom for A Teenage Girl
- You are beautiful.
- You are worth it.
- You are more than just a body.
- You are seen.
- You are heard.
- You have purpose.
- You are not a mistake.
- You are loved.
- You are needed.
- You have help.
- You can get past this.
- You won’t be in this same place forever.
- You can be nice to people.
- Your past does not define you.
- You can be happy.
- You have a voice.
- Choose Jesus now.
You are beautiful
I know this may sound so lame or super cliché but I can’t tell you how many times I remember people calling me ugly. From elementary school to even adulthood, people want to place their idea of beauty on you. That’s not their right.
You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.” Song of Sol. 4:7
These are words from the Creator of the universe. Yes, there is context with this scripture but there is an affirmation of the ability to call someone beautiful and to feel so.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14
Again, drawing in on the idea of beauty we see the Lord doesn’t make ugly. He is very intentional on how He created you. Every detail serves a purpose. Even if you feel like that detail is missing, the lack of detail is also intentional.
You are worth it
You are worth the relationship, the friendship, the marriage, the dream you have for your life, and the respect because you are made in the image of God.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
We were created in His likeness. People will try to steal your identity so they can degrade you for their purpose. Use you as they see fit. Some may try to make you jump through hoops just to be a part of their crew.
They are not your tribe because they don’t know your worth.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
You are that whoever. He died for you which even if you feel like you didn’t have meaning before, you have the authority to point to the Cross and say, “He did it for me.” That is the definition of eternal worth. No one can speak against, take away, or touch that.
It’s yours to claim.
You are more than just a body
God’s creation is beautiful, but you are more than a body. Your body parts are not for people to use and abuse. Even if you want them to.
Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.” 1 Thess. 5:23
The Word of God is written in all of us. It’s why we shout for justice when a wrong has been done. We know humanity must be better, including ourselves. However, when we allow the world to dictate what’s good for us instead of asking God it will leave us vulnerable.
You are more than a body and when it has been abused for so long, you may feel like you died, completely numb to the want of anything better. However, He is still the God of resurrection. You are more than just a body.
You are seen
These are encouraging words for a teenager girl because walking the hallways of high school can be one of the most intimidating experiences of your life. Anyone can recall those feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and also the fear of not being accepted.
You can also feel so lost in the crowd.
From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth—he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.” Psalm 33: 13-15
God sees you.
Crazy right? For some people that can be scary, for others that is comforting. You don’t have to fight for the most likes because the Lord hearted you way before anyone knew who you were.
He sees you.
You are heard
There is a God Who listens to everything. From your beating heart to your softest cry, there is a God Who hears, listens, and pays attention to you. He loves you that much. The Creator of the whole universe stoops down to listen to you like a Father bending down to get at the level of his child’s need.
Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!’ Psalm 116:2
He hears you. He is listening. Cry out to Him about whatever, whenever. As a teen, I felt like no one cared. I was constantly misunderstood. I came from a certain Hispanic background where with certain family members you weren’t allowed to communicate your feelings. It would be considered disrespectful. So, I didn’t talk but there was still a lot going on underneath.
When you talk to God, you are always heard. He is there to help you.
You have purpose
Yes, you have a purpose for being here. Exactly as God created you, He instilled gifts, talents, quirks, and physical traits that are unique to you. No one else, looks, acts, thinks, exactly like you. Even if you are a twin, there will always be something different either on the outside, inside, or both.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
There is a reason why you are here. The Lord is not a God of waste. He uses everything and is intentional with His creations. You are included in that.
You are not a mistake
It doesn’t matter if the most important person in your life thinks so, it doesn’t matter how many times they say it, or act like it. God says different.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
God knew you before anyone had anything to say. He breathed life into you because He wanted you. You are not a mistake. As a teen, I always felt like one but I have learned God says different and I can walk with my back straightened.
You can too.
You are here because God said you can be here. Regardless of how, where, and to whom you were brought to, the Lord sent you on purpose.
[bctt tweet=”You are here because God said you can be here. Regardless of how, where, and to whom you were brought to, the Lord sent you on purpose. #GodsLove #ChristianParenting ” username=”kingdomblogger1″]
You are loved
You can be loved because you are loved by the Almighty King. Yes, this means you are lovable. These words are also encouraging words for a teenage girl because so many don’t feel loved.
The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” Jeremiah 31:3
Oftentimes, we have heard so often how insignificant we are by those we want the most affirmation from or have been abused in such a way where we feel like we are unlovable.
This is simply not true.
You are so deeply loved. When Jesus died, He thought of you. Isn’t that amazing? You. Your name. Your life.
You are needed
If you are gone, something will always be missing from this world. That is how significant you are. Yes, you hold something no one else does. Whether it’s a song, dance, poem, art piece, child(ren), or however the Lord has gifted you, it can only come from you.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:” 1 Peter 4:10
Yes, people have sung many songs and some of copied or made their own rendition. However, it was always unique to them.
If you don’t sing that song, dance that dance, preach that word, it will never be spoken in the way God called you to speak it. Certain gifts and the fruit of those gifts can only be birthed by you.
You have help
So often we feel alone and not sure how to navigate through life but we have access to heaven through the Name of Jesus Christ. This means whatever you are going through, even if it feels like it is the most challenging and like there is no hope for the future, Jesus will help you get through it.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26
Jesus left so the Holy Spirit can come and live within you to help you in everything. I mean everything even if it feels insignificant. Learn how to hear Him, be directed by Him, and how not to ignore Him.
You always have help.
You can get past this
I don’t know what “this” is in your life. I’ve had many of a “this” in my life especially at 17. I was Captain of the cheerleading squad, entered into an abusive relationship, got pregnant, miscarried, and married by the end of 17. This was just the age of 17 not including the childhood and teenage years leading up to it.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18
In the time of struggle, it can seem like it will never end. However, that’s just the enemy deceiving you to believe the Lord isn’t strong enough to withstand your trial. Not only does He withstand it but He withstands you.
With God by my side, I got past all of those “this” moments.
You will get past that breakup, betrayal, heartache, embarrassing moment, etc. You will get through whatever your “this” is. There may be battle wounds, scars, and memories but the beauty with time is that it all begins to fade with the help of Jesus Christ.
You won’t be in this same place forever
Sometimes it feels like things will never change, your environment, the people around you, or the home you are in.
It won’t always be like this.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Seasons change in your life, people change, and sometimes your geographic location will change. Change can have a stigma attached to it but sometimes change is good.
As cliché as it seems, there really is a whole world out there. Sometimes you can experience it just by walking into the next town. As a teen, I was able to travel on vacation but not really visit other areas in my hometown. It always felt like a dream, not realizing there are other worlds out there. Worlds which had a positive impact on my life.
Take time to be with other people other than your crew. We always grow when we get exposed to other lifestyles, countries, ministries, churches, and anywhere else God leads you. If you have the chance, take it.
[bctt tweet=””For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1 #ChristianParenting #MomsofTeens” username=”kingdomblogger1″]
You can be nice to people
Growing up wasn’t easy where I’m from. It was a killed or be killed mentality walking in the hallways of my middle school and high school. I had to learn to fight or get beat.
One thing I never realized about myself is that I’m actually a lover. I’d much rather love you than hate you because hate takes up so much energy. It will leave you exhausted.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32
Be nice to those around you. Be the peacemaker we are called to be. If you try your best and people still don’t accept you, pray for them and move on. High school is such a small part of your life. It’ll be done before you know it.
Your past does not define you
By 17, I made a lot of mistakes especially when it came to boys. A lot of people held me to that, even myself. I carried myself in this definition and acted accordingly. I didn’t know I had another option.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
When you allow people to hold you to your past, they can take advantage of you and will jump at the chance.
You have an option to be different, right now. You don’t have to wait years to do so. You can start this minute and anytime someone wants to remind you of your past, point to the cross. Don’t look back, keep walking forward.
[bctt tweet=”When you allow people to hold you to your past, they can take advantage of you and will jump at the chance.” username=”kingdomblogger1″]
You can be happy
Sometimes it seems impossible. Like the fairy tale life is for someone else. Happy endings may seem like they aren’t for you. This is not true. Sometimes depression can be so pressing, we can’t see past the clouds. However, there is light for your situation.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
Darkness doesn’t have the power to annihilate you, overpower you, or define you. It can feel that way when our worlds comes crashing down but in the midst of the dust you will see your Savior standing amongst the rubble ready to rebuild.
He’s holding out His hand, take it and watch what He does with the dust.
You have a voice
Use it. Any chance you get. Even if you feel like you’re the only one speaking. Be the first voice.
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossians 4:6
Speaking up doesn’t mean being disrespectful. There is a gracious way in confronting conflict.
If you find it difficult to communicate, surround yourself with those who know how and start learning. People will take advantage when they don’t have someone who knows how to defend themselves or even just speak up. If it doesn’t feel right, say it. If you do and it still doesn’t feel right, bring a trusted person with you.
Your voice is vital.
Choose Jesus now
This is the most important one and I saved the best for last. If I could go back and prove to myself I was the real deal future self, I would tell her to choose Jesus now. Don’t wait until I was older. Use all the time and influence I have as a teenager to live for Jesus Christ.
Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them” Ecclesiastes 12:1
Anyone who has accepted and is full out in love with Jesus Christ will say the only regret they have is not choosing Jesus sooner. I accepted Christ when I was around 20 but didn’t fully start walking until I was 24.
I would take back that time and start right away. It would’ve saved me from so much including getting an STD. I would’ve used that time for His glory.
Choose Jesus now and start walking immediately. Like the disciples, drop everything and go follow Him wherever He leads you.
Encouraging Words for a Teenage Girl
I pray these encouraging words for a teenage girl will help you and others see life with the hope of Jesus Christ.
The reason why I got involved in serving the Youth Ministry at my church is because I remember the teen years so well. I have some understanding how teens feel even if the circumstances are different, why things are done or not done, said or not said, and I get how misunderstood teens can feel.
Be sure to also read:
- Praying for a Rebellious Teenager: 15 Teenage Prayer Ideas
- Biblical Advice for Managing Teenage Stress Symptoms
- How to Be a Good Mom: A Biblical Perspective
This is for either you, the teenage girl in your life or your friend. This is also a reminder to parents, Pastors, mentors, sisters, or family members of the teenage girl. Maybe you need this or maybe you need to share it with someone else.
This is for anyone who was a teen. Again, maybe you need to speak these encouraging words to the teenage girl still inside of you feeling jaded by what life gave you at that age.
Every moment, every breathe, every second is a gift from the Lord to start new. Whether you are 17 or 37 or 107, there is still time to be redeemed and be all the Lord created you to be.
Looking for a great devotional for your teenage daughter? Check out these from Amazon below! They would make a great “because I love you” gift!