Are you looking for some birthday prayers to bless a loved one on their special day?
Birthdays are a special time to celebrate the life of our loved ones. One way to bless them is with happy birthday prayers!
Sending your loved ones a blessing of prayer on their birthday is the best way to let them know just how much you love them and want God to shower them with blessings on their special day.
Be sure to download our free Birthday prayer images at the very end!

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How to Use Birthday Prayers
There are so many ways you can use a Happy Birthday Prayer to bless your loved ones on their birthday.
One way to use a birthday prayer is to simply write the prayer into a birthday card you already bought for them. In addition to the birthday message inside the card, write out the birthday prayer in a blank area of the card.
Another popular way of sharing birthday prayers is to share them on social media. You can either type it out as a new post or share a beautiful image with the prayer written on it. You will find all of the birthday prayer images from this article at the very end and you are most welcome to share them!
Some other ideas include:
- send the birthday prayer as a text
- include it on a note with their gift
- have it printed for wall art and give it as a gift
The sky really is the limit on how you use them to bless your loved one! Get creative or use one of the methods I’ve already listed.
Powerful Birthday Prayers
The most powerful birthday prayers are personal and include Scripture. And the Bible is literally filled with scripture that can be used as a guide in praying over them on this special day.
You can use these birthday Bible verses to share with loved ones or to supplement the birthday prayer you are giving them.
Happy Birthday Prayers
A birthday prayer can be sent in a variety of ways. You could leave the prayer on their social media page, send it through text, write a card or even call and pray over them directly.
However, you choose to deliver this birthday blessing to your loved ones, be sure you have a verse handy. Here is an example of a happy birthday blessing with a prayer that could be sent to anyone.
Dear friend, happy birthday! I pray the Lord will bless you and keep you. I ask the Lord to make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Related Post: 38 Encouraging Bible Verses to Encourage One Another Daily
Birthday Prayers for Son
When you love a young man and long to see him grow in integrity and godly character, you pray. Birthday prayers for your son can be a beautiful blessing. They give you space to speak into the man you long for him to become.
Precious son, I pray you will be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or tremble at your enemies. The Lord your God is the one who always goes with you. He will not fail you or leave you. I pray you continually look to Him for your strength.
Use this example of a birthday prayer for your son.
Dear God, Thank you for giving me such an amazing son. I pray my son will walk before You in the integrity of his heart and uprightness, doing according to all that You have commanded him. Help him keep Your statutes and ordinances. Your word promises that if he does you will establish him and he will lack nothing good. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Birthday Prayers for Daughter
Just as we long to see our sons grow in godly character, we long to see our daughters mature in wisdom and grace as they walk more closely to the Lord. While boys wrestle with fear and courage, girls often wrestle with identity and self-worth.
That is why I love to pray Psalm 37 and Jeremiah 1:5 over my daughters. These are the birthday prayers for my daughters.
Sweet girl, I pray you will learn to find your delight in the Lord because He promises to give you the desires of your heart. Father, help her trust in You and do good. Grow in her Your goodness so that she can commit her way to You, trust in You and see You do big things.
Dear Father, Thank you for blessing me with such an amazing and loving daughter. Watch over her and bless her on this special day. Reveal to her the calling You placed on her life and give her the boldness to pursue it. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Birthday Prayers for Mom
Our mother is the one God chose to carry us and keep us safe in the womb and guide and mold us once we were delivered into this world. The best way we can bless her on this special day is with a prayer!
Dear Lord, thank You for my mom. I pray that she always knows how cherished and blessed she truly is. As trials come, let her be able to laugh at the days to come. Thank you that she opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. I ask you to shower her with many blessings on her birthday! In Jesus Name, Amen!
Birthday Prayers for Dad
Dad’s carry the weight of the world as they go through each day. They work hard to provide for and protect their families. As life comes at them with trials and hardships, it can be a challenge to remember the blessings and successes along the way. Birthday prayers for dad can help remind them of the good things!
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me such a wonderful earthly dad. Thank you for his leadership and love. I ask you to watch over him and guide him to always lead our family in a Godly way. Fill him with your Holy Spirit and shower him with an abundance of blessings on this special day and beyond. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Birthday Prayers for Wife
A husband should always love and cherish his wife and show her how much he loves her. The best way to show that love and affection is by praying for her! Showering her with God’s blessings in the way of a birthday prayer is the best gift she could ever receive!
Here is a great example of a birthday prayer for your wife to speak over her today.
Dear Heavenly Father, You said, “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.” Thank you for giving me such a wife. I pray your continued blessings over my wife on this special day and for all the days to come. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Birthday Prayers for Husband
Husbands, much like fathers, tend to carry much pressure, expectation, and burden on their shoulders. The perfect way to shower them with blessings on this special day is with a Happy Birthday prayer.
It can also be a great time to speak into the man you see God developing in your husband. The enemy would love for him to focus on his failures, but your birthday prayers can show him there is victory.
Father God, thank You for the man you gave me as a husband. Thank you for making his such a loving and caring man. Thank for giving him the ability and talents to always provide for our family. I pray your continued blessings over him today and for all the days after today. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Related Post: How To Create Prayers for Marriages in Trouble
Birthday Prayers for Brother
If you are lucky enough to have been blessed with a brother, you know how truly wonderful this blessing is! Like our father, our brothers can be our protectors and our best friend.
The best way to let your brother know just how much you love him on this wonderful day is by praying over him!
Here is a wonderful example of a birthday prayer for your brother to use today:
Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me a bother who is such a blessing. He gives me great joy and encouragement and refreshes my heart. And he is always there to look out for me and keep me safe. I pray your blessings over him today and for all the days to come. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Birthday Prayers for Sister
Sisters are like the best friend God created for us at birth. Sisters share a special bond that truly calls for a celebration! The best way to show just how much you love your sister on this special day is by praying over her.
A birthday prayer for your sister is the best gift she could ever ask for and receive!
Dear Father, Thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful and amazing sister. I pray you continually watch over her and fill her with your wisdom and guidance and that she always puts you in first place. I ask you to shower her with continued blessings today, tomorrow, and all the days after. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Birthday Prayers for a Friend
How can I pray for my friend on his/her birthday?
God gave us friends to help us keep in community with others and to help us in growing stronger in our faith.
Our friends are there during every season to help us celebrate and to lean on during the storms. And the best way to thank them and let them know just how much we love and appreciate them is with a powerful birthday prayer!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so very much for blessing me with such an amazing friend. You always put the right people in my life to walk with me through the different seasons. Please wrap your arms of protection around my friend and continue to flood them with many blessings for all the days to come. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Bless Your Loved Ones with Happy Birthday Prayers
There are not many things in life that make me smile as much as knowing I am loved and cared for.
That is what birthday prayers do, they tell your loved ones that you care for them deeply enough to bless them with Scripture and prayer.
Feel free to download and share the birthday prayer images with your loved ones on their special day!