How to Write An About Page

Contrary to popular belief, your About Page isn’t really about you! Most bloggers get this part wrong so you aren’t alone if this is you!

Your about page is one of the most “fruitful” pages you can create on your site so it is important that you go about it with intention!

Now, you may have heard of some people using “Start Here” instead of “About.” The first one, as link text in a navigation menu, will probably result in more clicks than just “About”. (I’ll explain this more in the video below.)

laptop on a desk with flowers and a gold notebook

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Essential Components of a Great About Page

Whether you call it an “About” page or a “Start Here” page, there are some essential things you want to include if you want to make this page fruitful with conversions.

By “conversions,” I’m referring to:

  • readers clicking through to other content
  • readers signing up for your email list
  • readers following you on social media
  • readers joining your private Facebook group
  • readers buying a product that you offer

There is a video at the very end of this post that recaps everything and provides examples for you to use as inspiration – so be sure to read everything to the end!

Who is Your Site For

As soon as a reader lands on this page, you need to tell them who this community is for! If they know this is a place designed just for them, they are more likely to want to know more!

Ashley from Undoubted Grace has this as the very first line on her About Page:

Hi!!! I’m Ashley the founder of Undoubted Grace and I want to help full-time working moms and busy women who find themselves overwhelmed trying to do all the things!

Teresa from Ladies Drawing Nigh speaks directly to her Avatar with “If you’ve come for help and encouragement in growing as a woman of faith, then you’re in the right place!”

This is literally your first chance at converting a visitor to your site into a regular member of your blog community.

What Does Your Site Offer

WIIFM – What’s in it for me (them)?

Now that you’ve told them WHO it is for, let them know exactly is in it for them. How are they going to benefit from what you have to offer?

This could be anything from free Bible study resources to tips for balancing everything as a working mom.

Link to Important Content

This is the most “left out” part of about pages! Without links to other content, a page is considered a “dead end” and the reader may just leave once they’ve read it!

There are a variety of ways to link to important content. And by “important” I mean the pillar content of what your site is about. This will vary depending on your site. (Watch the video for examples.)

Offer Free Stuff

Aside from providing links to your pillar content, if you have resources that are completely free (no signup required), be sure to link to them.

On my site, I have several resource pages that offer things like free scripture coloring pages, phone screensavers, Bible Study resources, etc.

Everything on these pages is absolutely free but offers a valuable resource to my readers.

Get Them on Your Email List

If you have a great freebie that you are using as an optin, be sure to include it on this page!

Also, make sure it pops! Don’t just say “subscribe to my blog.” Instead, tell they why they should sign up (either for the freebie or for what you send out weekly. Presentation is everything!

Invite Them to Connect on Social Media

Now that they’ve gotten to know a bit about you and your ministry, invite them to connect with you on social media.

But here is the thing – only invite them to where you are active. Don’t put buttons or links for all of your platforms if you aren’t actually active there. There is nothing worse that following someone who isn’t there!

Also, don’t just say “follow me on Instagram.” Instead, invite them to “connect” with you and let them know what you do/share there.

If you have a private group (FB or another platform), give a bit of information about what happens in that group and invite them to join!

Invite Them to Join Your Facebook Group

If you have a private Facebook group that is related to your blog (such as an online Bible Study group), this is the perfect place to invite them to join!

(Be sure to join my Christian Blogging Tips Facebook group!)

Share Your Shop

If you have a shop where you sell your own products (and or a combination of affiliate products), be sure to mention it! Tell them what they will find there and include a GRACIOUS discount code for them to use as a thank you for visiting!

A Little About You

While this entire page should be all about you, it is important that you share just a little bit to help readers relate and connect with you.

Convert Your Readers to Something!

Can you now see how valuable this one page can be? Think of all the conversion opportunities you currently have available and ensure you have them laid out with intention on this page!

Sharing is caring!

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