Intention Setting for the New Year

aqua background with blue floral border and text that says intention setting in the new year

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” ~Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

With half of January already behind us, you may be encouraged to know that opening yourself to God and setting an intention that aligns with God’s will for your life goes a long way in supporting your resolutions and goals.

This is because intentions have more to do with the way you approach and experience life rather than striving toward or even achieving a specific outcome. Your intentions are what lie beneath and create that burning desire to reach a certain goal. And because they involve this depth, intentions are what remain whether or not you reach your goal. 

Two verses show us how getting close to God alters our intentions or desires, and by doing so, aligns us with God’s will and purpose for our life.  

philippians 213 on a blue floral background

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” ~Philippians 2:13 (NIV)

“Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.” ~ Psalm 37:4

Desiring more of God in your life, seeking God more fully, and having those desires met, builds expectations of God’s goodness and ignites the entire process again. 

Let’s look at 3 steps to setting your own aligned-with-God intentions. 

  1. Set Intentions from a Place of Wholeness

You are a new creation in Christ and are continually being transformed into a person that reflects God more perfectly, one degree at a time. Sit quietly and consider what God is working within you and what has already been done to prepare you for this season.

Lift a prayer of gratitude for where God has brought you from and what God has brought you through in the past year! What do you sense this has prepared you for? 

  1. Detach from Outcome

No matter what your goals are, be sure growing closer to God is your supreme priority. Release all other expectations and desired outcomes to the one who holds all of life’s circumstances in his hands. 

  1. Trust God with The Details

It can be tough to detach from the outcome! Trusting God with the details grants freedom to align yourself to God’s will for your life, work towards a goal and let your intention on how you’ll experience each step guide the way. 

“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV)

This verse is a great support as set intentions from a place of wholeness, detach from outcome, and trust God with the details! Take your time and just invite God to minister to you as you set your intentions. Trust God and trust the process. He never fails to guide us!

Are you ready to unearth the desires of your heart and set an intention for the new year? Grab my free Intention Setting Printable Guide!

Read more from our New Beginnings Series!

Rachel from Holistic Faith Lifestyle

Rachel blogs over at Holistic Faith Lifestyle where she equips women to walk and grow in holistic Christianity – to see things in wholes and to invite God into the entirety of your life.

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