Just when you were getting comfortable in your summer routine, you realize the Back to School season is just around the corner! For many Christian bloggers, Back to School might seem like something far from their normal content topics and is really only applicable to those in the Christian parenting niches, it is actually a perfect opportunity to offer Biblical encouragement and increase traffic to your site. I’ve put together this list of 35+ Back to School blog post ideas for Christian bloggers to challenge you to publish more content in the coming months!
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Back to School Blog Post Ideas for Christian Bloggers
With back to school (B2S) season comes so many opportunities to minister to others and to truly help our readers with valuable content. While you may think that B2S topics are only about school clothes, backpacks and packing lunches, there are some really great Christian topics that you can also write about (that people are actually searching for). In the next couple of sections, I’m going to list some specific keyword phrases (that have search volume) that include straight forward B2S topics, as well as B2S topics that offer Biblical inspiration and encouragement.
As you go through these lists, it is important to remember that you should be tailoring these to your blog audience. If you don’t normally write about kid topics, then opt, instead, for the more faith-based ones. Also, be sure to do further keyword research on any of these that you choose to possibly find other topics to write about – as well as to find some good additional keywords to use in the post.
Also, don’t discount writing a specific blog post because you can’t narrow down the best keyword for Google searches. The back to school season is a high-traffic topic on Pinterest. As long as you create really great graphics, you will get a lot of traffic from Pinterest before Google even knows about the post!
How to Use These Blog Post Ideas
The back to school blog post ideas listed here are mostly the main ones for a given topic. When you type one of them into the Google search box, you’ll get a dropdown showing other (longer) variations of the phrase. While you can write your post for the specific ones listed, you may have better results by choosing a longer-tail keyword for it (from the dropdown). This can also enable you to write about a topic multiple times (more than one post) but in a different way.
Related: The Benefits of SEO for Christian Bloggers
Be sure that you also include additional related keywords throughout the post and format your post with SEO in mind. If you aren’t sure how to do that, you can read Formatting Your Christian Blog Posts for SEO.
While this topic does have significant search volume (for Google), you will get the most immediate results from Pinterest – you know, because Moms are attached to Pinterest during this time of year! Be sure to get creative with your wording on the pinnable images and always create multiple pins for each post (all different) to increase visibility.
Round-Up Posts Do Really Well!
Even if you don’t do or know much about some of these things, you can still benefit tremendously (from a traffic perspective) from these topics by creating roundup posts linking to other bloggers who do write about them (and who will provide great graphics). For these, you’ll want to ensure you have actual content where you can include all of the main and related keywords.
To find the content to link to, simply reach out to other bloggers that you follow that write about your topic. If you happen to have, let’s say, favorite recipes or hacks, you can link to their posts.
Back to School Blog Post Ideas – General
The following list includes topics that are general in nature (not really related to faith). These would be most appropriate for Christian mom bloggers that write about all topics related to their children. As mentioned earlier, many of these would make excellent roundup post topics that would require less effort to create and publish – but will do really well (especially on Pinterest).
- Back to school organization (480)
- Back to school organization hacks (50)
- Healthy school lunches (480)
- Back to school lunch ideas (1000)
- lunchbox hacks (170)
- Back to school survival kit (or emergency kit) (390)
- Back to school reading (grade-specific) (40)
- Recommended reading (1900)
- Education blogs for parents (90)
- Back to school preparations for students (90)
- Back to school preparation tips (30)
- Back to school preparation checklist (40)
- First child going to kindergarten (50)
Back to School Blog Post Ideas – Faith Content
How do you incorporate faith into back to school content? Well, prayers are ALWAYS appropriate! The back to school blog post ideas include different prayers related to going back to school, as well as other types of Biblical encouragement. These would be perfect for the Christian mom blogger, but also for those who don’t necessarily write about kid topics.
- Prayers for back to school (480)
- Inspirational prayers for teachers (480)
- Short prayers for students and teachers (170)
- Prayers for stressed teachers (170)
- Back to school devotions for teachers (70)
- Back to school encouragement (90)
- Inspirational lunch box notes (170)
- Love notes for kids (320)
- First day of school celebration ideas (50)
- Lunch box notes ideas (320)
- Back to school bible verses for teachers (40)
- Back to school bible verses for students (40)
- Prayer for first day of college (30)
Back to School Blog Post Ideas – Homeschool
Let’s not forget our homeschool bloggers! This list includes a combination of general homeschool and faith content that would be perfect for any Christian blogger that writes about homeschool topics.
- Bible verses for homeschooling (20)
- Encouragement for homeschool moms (140)
- Biblical reasons to homeschool (40)
- Homeschool mom bible (110)
- Homeschool quotes (1000)
- Homeschool mom planner (70)
- Best homeschool planner app (10)
- First day of homeschool (110)
- First day of homeschool printables (40)
- Confessions of a homeschool mom (140)
- Homeschool mom daily schedule (40)
- Faith-based homeschool curriculum (30) (this one has a TON of related keyword ideas!)
Get Creative, Provide Value, Gain Readers!
As you can see, there are so many back to school blog post ideas that Christian bloggers can add to their content plan. It is important to always write as it relates to your particular audience and don’t write on these topics just for the sake of writing them. If you don’t normally publish content related to kids’ topics, but you do publish encouraging posts listing verses of Scripture, then choosing the ones from the “faith” list would be more appropriate.
There are so many different seasons throughout the year (not just the Christian-based ones) that can be great opportunities to provide value and get more traffic to your site. If you are a Christian blogger that plans to monetize, the more traffic you have, the quicker you can apply for ad networks!
Be sure to also read:
- Endless Blog Post Ideas for Your Christian Blog
- Blogtober Challenge for Christian Bloggers
- How to Write Click-Worthy Blog Post Titles