Heather C

Hi, I’m Heather from Lessons from Home.  I’m in love with my five kids, homeschooling, and all things chocolate.  At Lessons from Home, I share my homeschooling and parenting journey along with the lessons God teaches me as I learn to follow Him wherever He leads.  Healing from loss is a major part of my story as my family walks the dark path of grief after losing my beautiful 8-year-old daughter. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Thanking Veterans for Their Service: An Important Act of Gratitude

Thanking veterans for their service is an important act of gratitude which is expressed in various ways and has gone on for thousands of years. How often have the praises of victorious soldiers been sang, acted out in plays, and written in books?  Parades, speeches, and reenactments are just a small part of honoring brave …

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