Struggling with ideas for things to give your readers or for optin ideas to build your email list? Printable Scripture cards are super easy to make and can be easily tailored to individual blog posts – making them the perfect opportunity to get readers to subscribe to your email list. They are also a great way to simply say thank you to the subscribers you do have and give you something unique to send them in your weekly emails.
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Creating Printable Scripture Cards for Your Audience
Printable Scripture cards are a wonderful way to help your readers remember their favorite Bible verses! They can be tailored to each individual blog post by simply using the verses of Scripture that you’ve referenced in the post. I love them because they can be easily printed out – maybe even laminated – and can keep them handy in my purse or even use them as bookmarks.
As a Christian blogger, these are perfect for both getting new subscribers and for simply giving my current subscribers something extra in my weekly emails. Many times, you might struggle with what to send your subscribers each week that they’ll actually find value in. Who wouldn’t love a beautifully crafted Bible verse they can print out?
They are also great for helping younger kids with Bible study time. For homeschool moms or even Sunday school teachers, these printable Scripture cards can be laminated (you know, because kids are kids) and used to help them with verse memorization.
Related: Creating Printables to Boost Blog Traffic
How to Create Printable Scripture Cards
Even if you aren’t the most creative or artistic type, these are actually very easy to make in Canva. Canva does offer several free graphics that you can use in your projects, but, let’s be honest – EVERYONE is using them! How many times have you visited a blog post or scrolled Pinterest and seen images or clipart that you’ve also used? Instead of using the free images in Canva, you can get a ton (ok, not an actual ton but you get my point) of free graphics, fonts, backgrounds, mockups (and more) that you can upload into Canva and make your projects really stand out from the rest. Each of the following sites offers a variety of free graphics or fonts each week.
Each week I get an email notifying me of the newest freebies. I simply scroll through and download the ones I think I may want to use later and save them to a folder on my computer. This way I have them for future projects. Keep in mind that in order to upload custom fonts into Canva, you will need to have the Pro (paid) version, but it is so worth it!
The first step will be to create your canvas. For printable Scripture cards, I use the custom dimensions and set it for 11 x 8.5 (inches). This is basically a regular size paper in landscape view. After that, you will need to divide into even sections. I use a line element and then sort of just gage it. It doesn’t have to be absolutely even for all of them, but as close as you can get. You can do 6 blocks like I have in the image below, or just do 4.
Next, you will simply upload your free graphics into Canva. I usually upload several so they are right there as I test out different ones until I find the ones I want to use for a particular page. Get creative! I like to alternate the style of each block but you can also make them all the same. Here are a couple of examples of ones that I’ve made recently.
Once you’ve inserted your graphics the way you want them, you can then start adding your verses of Scripture to each one. Keep in mind the small space when choosing the verse to use. Too many words will make it difficult to read since you’ll have to make the font much smaller. I like to highlight the main word or words and make them a fancy font and in a color that matches the graphics.
Delivering Them to Readers
Once you have saved them to your computer, be sure to upload them to your cloud drive. There are a couple of different ways to deliver them to your audience.
Direct delivery – You can set your subscribe form to automatically provide the download link once they confirm their subscription.
Upload to Resource Library – This is my preferred method for a couple of reasons. Instead of giving them the download file directly, I created a resource library where I upload all of them. This makes it easier to get them to my subscribers than having to send the files individually in email. But more importantly, I use this method to increase the sessions and page views to my site. Instead of sending them the direct download file, I send them the link to the resource library.
Mine is actually password-protected and used as a special bonus for my subscribers. I send the link (and password) in their initial welcome email as well as in every single email that I send them each week. For the weekly email, it is more of a “don’t forget to visit the VIP library because I’ve uploaded more printables!” or something like that at the end of the email.
This keeps them returning for more sessions on my site. (For those of you hoping to apply for ad networks at some point, sessions and page views are important.). This also gives me additional – but helpful – reasons to email my list outside of my normal weekly emails. If I’ve recently added some new printables, I’ll send them an email just to let them know. Be sure to get signed up for my email list at the end of this post!
Below is a quick video that I created to kind of show you how I make these if you need a little help!
Printable Scripture Cards Make Great Subscribers Freebies!
See! That wasn’t too difficult! Making printable Scripture cards really is a great way to not only gain new subscribers but to also thank or reward the subscribers you already have. They make great additions to individual blog posts to help readers remember the verses referenced in the posts. They are also great for homeschool moms and even Sunday school teachers. The ones I’ve shown are more for adults, but simply use graphics that are more kid-friendly to help them remember the verses they are learning.
I’d love to hear what other things you are offering your readers as optins or simply as a way of thanking them for being a loyal follower.
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