Blogging Tips

Blogging tips for Christian bloggers to learn how to start and lead a successful Christian online ministry. Learn proper SEO strategies for faith content blogs to be found by search engines.

pink and gold laptop on a desk with glasses and a notepad

Guest-Posting 101

The truth is that most bloggers do guest posting completely wrong! What they think is helping them get more eyes on their own site is really not benefitting their site in the long run. Guest posting, when done correctly, can be a great source of referral traffic because usually, you are able to include a

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woman's hands typing on a keyboard next to flowers

7 Types of Content to Publish on Your Christian Blog

What type of content are readers most interested in reading? Most Christian bloggers begin their blogging journeys by simply sharing their thoughts or testimonies as blog content. Unfortunately, that isn’t what people are searching for on Google (or other search engines). There are generally seven different types of content people might search for online so

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